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Mary Hess
Media realities additional clip
This is an additional clip that can be used with the media realities exercise referenced here:
Media realities additional clip
This is an additional clip that can be used with the media realities exercise described here:
News diet handout
This is a handout that helps to describe how to create a helpful news diet (of various media) within Christian communities.
Lego faith community
This is an exercise that leads to great discussions with kids and families, indeed with anyone, about what they understand faith community to be. The video is one person's example. The song embedded in the video is "Will you come and follow me" from the Iona Community.
Week One Prayer
This is a brief prayer, from a book by Kay Bessler Northcut, read by Mary Hess for the beginning of a class (
Week One Introduction
This is a short video that is the first introduction to an online class in religious education (
Media realities exercise additional sample clips
This is an exercise aimed at helping to open up people’s eyes, minds and hearts to a range of representations of religion in media, and particularly to the challenges religious educators might face in engaging such representation. It is meant to open up questions, not provide answers. These are additional clips that go along with the original file post, which includes instructions.
Media realities exercise
This is an exercise aimed at helping to open up people’s eyes, minds and hearts to a range of representations of religion in media, and particularly to the challenges religious educators might face in engaging such representation. It is meant to open up questions, not provide answers.
Feautor is no longer being maintained.
This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.