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Tag: justice
World Hunger-Focused Bible Study
While working in marketing at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC), a Christian hunger relief organization, I developed this Bible study curriculum. Considering the time intensity of the project development, the intended audience was a broad one: congregations wishing to study God’s Word in connection to the problem of world hunger, likely congregations with some physical proximity to an FMSC food-packing site or MobilePack event. The audience, thus, was not age-specific. However, knowing the broad age base at hand, I took that into account by attempting to write questions at a fairly simple level, with little assumption of prior knowledge of world hunger information or Scripture. Were I to revise the curriculum, I would invite learners to a more in-depth study of two to three biblical passages instead of cursory glances into dozens of passages. I would also hope and try to work with a more specific audience and plan relevant activities and questions accordingly. While the curriculum was developed largely as a marketing piece for this specific organization, I think you'll find many of the discussions and activities relevant to broader conversations about God's Word, world hunger, and God's call to us in response. Should you wish to volunteer or otherwise engage with FMSC, I encourage you to do so. To learn more, visit Note that all statistics are from July 2008. For updated information, refer to the sources listed on page 15 of the PDF. Also, note that the video referenced in the Unit 4 activity (page 12 of the PDF) is no longer in use by FMSC. To view a current FMSC video, see
I, too, am America
Brother Alberto Degan of the Afro Youth Ministry of Guayaquil, Ecuador, contributes a reflection and discussion questions for youth based on the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his "I Have a Dream" speech. The original Spanish Language version of this text may be accessed at
Feautor is no longer being maintained.
This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.