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Etiqueta: prayer
Our Story, God's Story: An Adventure in Prayer
A four-day vacation Bible school program that integrates "story-linking" and prayer practices. This program is easily adapted to small congregations with a wide range of ages.
Prayer Jounery / Prayer Commandos
This is a short lesson that sends adult leaders and youth out into the community to pray on site wherever the feel it is pertinent, and in doing so, try out some different forms of prayer and learn how prayer can change the pray-er and the world. Also, it will build awareness of the needs, and those attempting to serve the needs, of the community.
A Study Guide for Creating TV/Movie-Bible Study Guides/ Talking To God - A Futurama Bible Study
Being a big fan of a variety of TV programs, but having no means to discuss them in a Biblical/Theological way I developed this guide to aid in creating your own group Bible studies for whatever programming you find relevant. Included is an example I created using the process.
Prayer Room of Unheard Voices
This includes instruction for setting up a prayer room with six stations. Each station involves an action for participants to do, a Bible verse to reflect on, and a quote from people whose voices are not always heard. Quotes included a homosexual, women who survived Rwanda Holocaust, Native American, and Transgender pastor. I created this for an adult retreat featuring Brennan Manning. I received great feedback and people appreciated not only having a Bible Verse but another reflection to ponder.
Confirmation Retreat - Session on Temptation and Evil
A session from a junior high Confirmation Retreat on the Lord's Prayer. Focuses on the sixth and seventh petitions, "Save us from the time of trial, but deliver us from evil," and hopes to help teens see and understand connections between their own lives, the Gospel stories, and prayer.
Praying Through Advent
Advent is meant to be a season of waiting for the Lord. However, so often we find ourselves caught up in the rush of December, and we forget why we're rushing at all. Use this guide to help you wait, watch, wonder, and wake up in the midst of the busy-ness. Four styles of contemplative prayer are presented in this simple outline.
Lord's Prayer in Lessons for Children 6-8
A 6-week sunday school lesson teaching children ages 6-8 the Lord's Prayer through integrative learning activities, scripture, questions, etc. Lord's Prayer, Sunday school lessons
Praying God's Word/ Dail e Word
Addendum to dail e word scriptures and prayers for email devotions for centered life
Flood Litany
Flood Litany. Adapted from the Great Litany by Rev. David H. Carlson. Written after first week of flood fighting at Fort Ransom, ND Used at Sunday, March 29, 2009 Service.
Prayers for Creation for Sundays, November 2008
This is a set of intercessory prayers keyed to creation during the month of November 2008.
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