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Etiqueta: songs
Faith on the Radio: The Gospel According to Classic Pop Music
A study of the Christian message from the perspective of what youth consider “retro” can be fun for both leaders who may remember the music from the first time it was popular, and youth who have a fascination with, or at least a tolerance for, “oldies” from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s (and yes, music from the 80’s is being played on oldies stations these days…*sigh*). Sessions include: Faith and Uncertainty; Parents! Parents! Parents!; Finding Meaning in Life; Loving Our Neighbor and Social Justice; When Things Go Wrong; and Reforming The Church. Music referenced includes everything from Bob Dylan to Billy Joel to U2.
Advent Candle Liturgies- Songs of Advent
As we anticipate the coming of the Lord, we look with joy to God who came in Jesus; comes to us now in Word and Sacrament; and will come again at the close of the age to bring about the reconciliation of the world. With Isaiah's song, we look for God's coming as a light in darkness, as joy for your people and as peace and justice.
Advent Gospel Song Lyrics
Advent Song Lyrics - alternative Advent lyrics for "Open My Eyes, That I May See", From:Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Unity, WI and NW Synod of Wisconsin Resource Center, (715) 833-1153
10 Commandments, Musical Review
This musical review of the 10 Commandments was used with confirmation guide groups. Each guide group was comprised of 4-5 youth and one adult. A boom box with portable speakers were used to insure that everyone could hear. Each guide group had one official recorder who wrote down their answers. The following set of rules were handed out to each guide group.
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This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.