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Identifier: 12332423868 Coin Toss This is a skit I wrote for our catechism class to perform in worship on Super Bowl Sunday to promote the Souper Bowl donations. 09 Souper Bowl Skit Reviews Reviews count: 1 - Average rating: 5.00 This is a really good, simply way to get the point across about raising money for hunger. Not only is it themed great for the occasion, and involves a hand full of youth, but it speaks well to the large audience of Super Bowl viewers as well. It tells the Super Bowl viewers that even though Super Bowl Sunday is an exciting day to gather with friends and watch the best compete for the title (and the commercials); it also is an important day to remember the starving people in the world. As we eat large quantities of food there are many people who are starving and are not invited to any Super Bowl parties. So it is important to give of our resources to help those in need. I love the skit! Anthony Christoffels | 25 Oct 2009 |