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Identifier: 13194838829 Singing the Gospel of Mark Music often tells stories that words along can't. Drawing upon hymns from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, one can sing the entire Gospel of Mark in 30 minutes. If you want to increase the impact of this experience, add another 30 minutes and read each of the portions of Mark, and then sing the hymns. Singing the Gospel of Mark Author: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Reviews Reviews count: 2 - Average rating: 5.00 I recently used "Singing the Gospel of Mark" in an adult Bible study class as part of a 3-week series on "Preparing for the year of Mark." We had a wonderful time! The group was 12-15 people and not one that would claim great singing talent, but everyone participated and seemed to really enjoy it. Finding a piano player was the trickiest part. One could use an overhead screen, but we each took a hymnbook and easily found the hymns in succession. The piano player played an introduction to the next hymn while folks made their way to the page. It helped to have the pages all marked and a page turner for the pianist though! We did not read all of the Bible verses, opening and closing verses of Mark. We had a bit of discussion after the singing around how the experience felt, favorite hymns, Mark's unique voice and contribution to the Gospels, ... Thank you for this contribution and providing for a wonderful experience in song and preparing for a year with the Gospel of Mark! jonette blakney | 13 Dec 2011 I think this is a great idea, and it is applicable to many other passages of scripture. It seems to me you have taken something that has only been applied to Christmas pageants etc. and made a novel use of it....or perhaps others out in the Feautor community have a similar sort of musical program based upon a particular book of the Bible or Biblical event that is usually not celebrated but for which there is already music composed or available? This could be worked into a multi-grade program, a single program for a class or musical group....and it could even be fun to work up a skit or narration to link the musical pieces together. Coordinated with the pastor, it could be used to illustrate a sermon on a particular passage the same week you give the whole program, to promoe the program with the congregation. Thank you for a stimulating and useful idea. Wayne Van Kauwenbergh | 25 Oct 2011 |