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Tag: tv
Battlestar Galactica Season 2.0 Discussion Questions (Disc 1)
This is an attempt to continue the discussion questions for viewing the television series Battlestar Galactica. Following the pattern laid out by Ryan Torma, who wrote the discussion questions for season one, I have continued with season two-disc one. The questions are meant to be discussion starters for small groups following the viewing of the episodes. The questions deal with faith, politics, and all the other topics we are supposedly supposed to avoid! This aid is meant to be used in a variety of faith settings!
A Study Guide for Creating TV/Movie-Bible Study Guides/ Talking To God - A Futurama Bible Study
Being a big fan of a variety of TV programs, but having no means to discuss them in a Biblical/Theological way I developed this guide to aid in creating your own group Bible studies for whatever programming you find relevant. Included is an example I created using the process.
Feautor is no longer being maintained.
This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.