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Etiqueta: bible
Let's get comfortable with the Bible...
This is a one hour study lesson for small high school Sunday school class or adult Bible study class. This lesson should be used in the second or third class meeting. The objectives of this study lesson are: • To begin getting comfortable with navigating the Bible • Associating the Bible with one’s own life • Understanding that God may speak differently to different people in a Bible passage • To get to know and understand one another better
Storyline Storylinking Learning Unit Idea
A learning unit idea for preteens and high school youth. Using Anne Streaty Wimberly's Storylinking method learners will gain a ‘big‐picture’ understanding of the New Testament Storyline and relate God’s Story to their Story.
Hebrews 12:1-2 Lectio Divina Video
I created this video for use as part of a lectio divina exercise at Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church in Orlando in 2008. Play a soft instrumental track in the background as this video plays and then take some time to reflect as group about the favorite images and phrases.
A Study Guide for Creating TV/Movie-Bible Study Guides/ Talking To God - A Futurama Bible Study
Being a big fan of a variety of TV programs, but having no means to discuss them in a Biblical/Theological way I developed this guide to aid in creating your own group Bible studies for whatever programming you find relevant. Included is an example I created using the process.
Choosing a Bible Translation
Parishioners are frequently asking what Bible they should purchase as the selection in the marketplace can be overwhelming and confusing. This one hour session will help them to answer that question, based on their their needs and what translation best speaks the Word to them. A complete session outline and resources is included.
Engaging Difficult Questions: The Binding of Isaac (Gen 22)
This sermon engages the difficulties surrounding The Binding of Isaac (or Akedah) story. It is meant to be an Easter Vigil sermon but could be adapted for a bible study or other context. The likely age group would be for young adults or precocious high school students. I have also included an exegetical rationale so that leaders can follow my steps (this is more for the leaders than for the participants). Following the sermon are discussion questions for small groups. These are suggestions and are by no means the only ways that you can engage this story.
An Intentional Financial Stewardship Plan
If generosity is a spiritual gift, and If it really is true that “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Then shouldn’t we have an intentional plan to help people grow this spiritual gift and have their hearts drawn closer to Jesus?
What does the bible teach about money and possessions?
Some of the topics covered in this short PPT by Chick Lane include: *God is the owner of all that is *God is a God of abundance *We are Stewards *Money and possessions are a threat to a person's relationship with Jesus *Generous giving is joy-filled *Generous giving is a duty
Confirmation Ministry Outline
This is an outline for our confirmation ministry. We have worked to integrate parents and other adults into the ministry as well as utilizing various learning styles. Attached you will find the proposed outline for the ministry, the bible study planning guide (the students plan bible studies to lead within the group), and the spring faith projects.
Looking at Resources Through a Lutheran Lens
A presentation by the Rev. Theodore W. Schroeder to "Lutheran Day" at the Ecumenical Resource Center Gathering, Tempe, Arizona, November 2004
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This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.