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Identificador: 12294150011
Confirmation Ministry Outline
This is an outline for our confirmation ministry. We have worked to integrate parents and other adults into the ministry as well as utilizing various learning styles.
Attached you will find the proposed outline for the ministry, the bible study planning guide (the students plan bible studies to lead within the group), and the spring faith projects.
Bible Study Planning Guide

Esta obra es licenciada bajo una licencia
Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0
Confirmation Faith Projects

Esta obra es licenciada bajo una licencia
Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0

Etiquetas utilizadas para describir esta contribución
Cantidad de reseñas: 2 - Calificación promedio: 5.00
This curriculum is an effective and complete kit that can be used by any confirmation leader; staff or volunteer. I really appreciate the inclusion of motive behind what you are doing, and answering the question of “why” with any student or volunteer leader. In doing this, you strengthen the buy in of each person involved. I could see this being an easy curriculum to train volunteers in, mainly because this is a good model for common sense and natural faith exploration. An effective volunteer is the one that can be themselves and in that, embody the faith searcher and believer. Also, this curriculum accurately and effectively ramps up in intensity, but also with great regard to faith development. Using the student’s natural discovery of lesson through games, interaction, and other hands on, discovery techniques, and then helping them make connections to their daily lives will always serve as effective youth ministry. I been honored to see first hand the quality of Shannon’s (the author) youth groups, and I can see how effective this type of teaching is for them. Well done Shannon!

Jeremy Nausin
Christ the King Lutheran Snohomish,WA
Jeremy Nausin | 25-ene-10
This is a really nice, briefly laid out, plan for a confirmation ministry that takes seriously the development of a learning community, and that engages learners in multiple settings and through multiple senses. It includes a helpful plan for developing bible study skills in a friendly way. It also has an outline for "learning the Christian story, learning my family's story, learning myself in the story" that is spread over three years and could be very fruitful. An excellent outline almost any Christian church could build upon to create a locally contextualized confirmation ministry.
Mary Hess | 03-ene-09
Feautor is no longer being maintained.
This Feautor archive is a project of the Association of Lutheran Resource Centers.