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Identifier: 12446638147
Confirmation Group Guide job description
This short document outlines the benefits and responsibilities of a confirmation small group guide.

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Reviews count: 1 - Average rating: 4.00
This Confirmation small group guide job description is rather detailed and provides a good explanation of what will be expected of small group guides. I thought it exceptionally appropriate that the job description highlighted the need for the guide to have a deeply rooted faith in Christ that is continually growing, but not have all the “big questions” of life figured out. As a youth director, I have encountered congregation members afraid to commit to serving as a confirmation guide because of their fear of not having the right answers for the confirmation students. Thankfully, “having all the answers” is omitted from this description. The description also highlights benefits to participating as a small group guide, which I found useful.

I had only one problem with the small group guide job description: it needs to be more specific in some of its logistics. For example, there is no specific time frame for informing whomever is in-charge of teaching the Confirmation class when the small group guide will be absent. Also, there is no explicit quantifiable time commitment for being a small group guide (how many hours a week, how long the class term lasts). I suppose this was all left up to the user, but some examples highlighting the need to do this would be useful. My experience with volunteers has led me to believe they love to know exactly when they are needed.
Josh Feala | 20 Oct 2009
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