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Tag: youth
Martin Luther - a film based youth study guide
Who was Martin Luther? What was the reformation? How do either of these matter today? This study guide attempts to shed light on these questions. Using the 2003 film "Luther", youth will embark on a journey through history and discover how the themes of this movie relate to them today.
Baptismal Learning Sessions
Attached is curriculum for four sessions of teaching baptism throughout the liturgical seasons. Scriptural knowledge of water and baptism along with understanding of baptism found in Luther's Small Catechism are required for leading these sessions. The sessions focus on community, remembering, experiences, service, and an intergenerational activity. Although it is geared toward Sr. High Youth, it is adaptable for different age groups.
Is God for Real? Youth Social Media Treasure Hunt
Social Media Treasure Hunt for Youth (Adolescent/Teens) LEADER DIRECTIONS: This is a social media treasure hunt for middle age or teen age students perhaps for Confirmation or a Bible study for a youth group. After this treasure hunt and Bible readings a discussion could be held and prayer at the end of the session. This could be done as a group with a big screen for the entire group or have the kids bring their lap tops or Smart phones to do the project or perhaps if there are a few computers throughout the church have the kids get in small groups to work on their treasure hunt and verses and all come together to discuss the treasures that were found. Prizes could be awarded for all who complete the treasure hunt, one leader can be with each small group to lead discussions and help. Or the computers could be set up as stations that each video can be viewed at and then move on, except kids may be waiting for the group ahead of them to finish in this case. Is God for real? Let’s Search for proof using Social media ( and Google or Bible Gateway or other on-line Bible resources) and the Internet: Now that these treasures are being discovered by you, let’s search in the Bible to back up some of these witnesses, places and discoveries. Using an online Bible or Google search find these scriptures. (If there are several in the group have each do one search and read it aloud to the group- Use NRSV or NIV versions or those that you feel would be most meaningful to adolescents or teens) Luke 2:1-21 Isaiah 53 Psalm 139:1-18 Genesis 1:2 Revelation 21:4 Acts 17:28 Jeremiah 31:3 1 John 3:1 Ephesians 3:20 Group discussion questions: Did anything in these videos or Bible verses strengthen or question your belief or faith? What struck you as the most intriguing images or thoughts that you noted in what was seen or heard today? What was thought provoking for you? Does this leave you with more questions? What are they? Prayer props: LEADER DIRECTIONS: To close the session have the kids say a prayer request, praise/ thanksgiving, in 3 words or less. Start with the leader saying “ I pray for---“ and each person in turn adds 3 words or less until they are back to the leader who ends the prayer with the Lord’s prayer. This will allow all to pray, yet these youth need only to think of 3 words or less, about what is on their heart and mind to pray about just then, and this will hopefully build confidence in group prayer, which is hard for most of us, especially adolescents as beginners in prayer in front of others.
Confirmation Retreat - Session on Temptation and Evil
A session from a junior high Confirmation Retreat on the Lord's Prayer. Focuses on the sixth and seventh petitions, "Save us from the time of trial, but deliver us from evil," and hopes to help teens see and understand connections between their own lives, the Gospel stories, and prayer.
Living Inside Out
This is a curriculum was used by Spiritual Pride Project ( in a weekend retreat for LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Qustioning, Intersex, and Ally) youth grades 6-12. The goal of the retreat is for the youth to recognize that they are beloved children of God, that who they are has value and they have something to offer the world. We welcome questions on how to adapt this curriculum for your setting.
I, too, am America
Brother Alberto Degan of the Afro Youth Ministry of Guayaquil, Ecuador, contributes a reflection and discussion questions for youth based on the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his "I Have a Dream" speech. The original Spanish Language version of this text may be accessed at
Introduction Lesson to Ash Wednesday for Youth
Goal: To provide a basic idea and definition of what Ash Wednesday means to the Lutheran tradition as well as in a general sense to the world as a whole. Objectives: • Youth will participate in a small group setting where they will be share their current knowledge of Ash Wednesday and other terms or phrases that are related. • Youth will engage in a discussion on the results of the gathering common knowledge piece. • Youth will have the opportunity to listen and form for themselves a personal meaning and definition of Ash Wednesday. • Youth will decide on a 6-week commitment.
Introduction Lesson to Ash Wednesday for Youth
Introduction to Ash Wednesday Goal: To provide a basic idea and definition of what Ash Wednesday means to the Lutheran tradition as well as in a general sense to the world as a whole. Objectives: • Youth will participate in a small group setting where they will be share their current knowledge of Ash Wednesday and other terms or phrases that are related. • Youth will engage in a discussion on the results of the gathering common knowledge piece. • Youth will have the opportunity to listen and form for themselves a personal meaning and definition of Ash Wednesday. • Youth will decide on a 6-week commitment. Ash Wednesday, Lent, Youth
Easter Sunrise Passion Narrative
This is the opening for the Easter Sunrise 2009 service at Chetek Lutheran Church in Chetek, WI. The service was done by the high school youth group and was done as a clown service under the guidance of their Youth Director, Josh Toufar.
Film Discussion: God Grew Tired of Us
These are discussion questions I wrote to use after a showing of the film "God Grew Tired of Us" in my congregation in 2008. The 2006 documentary film chronicles a group of "Lost Boys" of Sudan as they journey from a refugee camp in Africa to new lives in the United States.
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