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Identifier: 12926167950
Sharing our Faith: Student/Mentor Program
As part of our confirmation program we have our students pick a mentor to share their faith journey with. This is one of the packets we provide for them to begin the conversation of sharing their faith stories.
Sharing our Faith


Tags used to describe this contribution
  confirmation     mentoring  
Reviews count: 1 - Average rating: 4.00
The student/mentor program is an intriguing idea that caught my attention as soon as I saw the title. There is a clear goal of the program that defines the need and the results of an effectively instituted process. I appreciate this idea in that students are exposed to other faithful people outside of their families in which a trusting relationship can be developed. Often youth are more likely to share deep concerns with friends before family for fear of punishment or shame. This offers them an opportunity to build a faithful support system and experience compassion and love from others outside of the home. Shanna’s plan includes and reinforces several of the evaluation elements used for this project.
Within Vella’s twelve principles, this program emphasizes safety, sound relationship, action with reflection, and several others. I would submit that many of today’s youth do not feel the safety of love and trust, which often leads to dysfunctional lifestyles. This program creates safe physical, emotional, and spiritual environments that can teach healthy processes and sound relationships. The mentor concept allows students to discuss actions (both good and bad) without feeling condemned by poor decisions. With continued reflections, decision-making skills will also improve.
Using Mary Boys Educating in Faith: Maps and Visions (Sheed & Ward, 1989) evaluation suggestions, the student/mentor program meets several expectations. Through the journey of mentorship, the student will be able to share how God has been revealed to them and allowed an opportunity to discuss and reflect upon it. Faith is an integral portion of the program in which the mentor and student will both be exposed to situations in which faith or lack of faith was emphasized. The overall experience will encompass a developing theology within the student as they move forward in life.
This curriculum is deep without being too difficult to complete. I would expect that the mentor and student would keep a journal or evaluation technique as long as the program was in place. Foundations of faith, safety, and trust are integral aspects of life that today’s youth need. This is a great idea that would be of benefit in every congregation. It allows today’s youth to recognize faith and theology in action through daily life rather than solely in the church building on Sundays.
Randy Winsand | 17 Dec 2010
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